Pride in our Parks


The development of a parks master plan is a critical step for a community to take to ensure its parks support the goals and objectives, meet the needs of its residents, and contribute to a high quality of life. More now than ever, people are choosing to live in a community based on lifestyle and quality of life rather than the jobs available in that area, so it is critically important that a community has a strong parks system.

The Mooresville Parks & Recreation District undertook this park master planning process in order to prioritize community needs and to ensure the greatest benefit is achieved from each and every dollar spent. Facility improvements and program recommendations proposed in this plan are based on the following factors:

  • An assessment of current facilities and programs
  • Review of previous MPRD five-year master plans
  • Input from the community at large and stakeholder groups
  • Engagement with those who govern Mooresville at the local level, the MPRD board, and employees of the district
  • An evaluation of the present opportunities, constraints, and goals
Old Town Park

The eventual, proposed recommendations serve as a guide for the development of recreational resources and amenities for the next five years and beyond. Improvements to the park facilities and recreation programs will be identified and prioritized to create an action plan that aims to give the community and its residents the best parks facilities for the available funding, while building towards an ultimate long-term goal.


This five-year parks master plan aims to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Inventory and evaluate the physical condition of existing parks, amenities, and programming
  • Acquire input from a diverse group of stakeholders, residents, and park users and report the findings in an accurate manner
  • Gather public support and increase parks awareness in the community
  • Discover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
  • Set achievable goals and objectives that reflect current issues, challenges, and opportunities as they relate to the current park system
  • Analyze information and public input to determine strategies, priorities, and an action plan for the next five years
  • Provide a guide for the development of park and recreation amenities that reflects the interests and needs of the community
  • Develop master plans for each of the individual parks showing potential improvements and new amenities
  • Expand opportunities to obtain funding for the park system amenities and programming
  • Serve as a supporting document to secure funding for proposed projects
  • Provide the foundation to make accurate budget decisions